Can Cleveland Be a Hub of Healthcare Worker Training?

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Richey Piiparinen, Director of Urban Theory and Analytics at the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs, has published a policy brief, "Can Cleveland Be a Hub of Healthcare Worker Training?” According to Piiparinen, Cleveland's healthcare industry has transformed its regional economy. The policy brief goes beyond looking at how Cleveland's healthcare industry brings outside money into the region through the export of healthcare services, and begins to sketch a picture of how Cleveland's higher education system can not only play a supportive role in supplying the local labor market pipeline to area hospital systems, but also how Cleveland's higher education system itself can scale its exportability by investing in care worker training infrastructure so as to serve labor markets outside the region. Piiparinen concludes that "the ‘ingredients' for this economic development ‘recipe' are there.”

Photo Credit: The photo on the College homepage referring to this publication is by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash.