News & Announcements

Levin Students Contribute To Cleveland Mayor Justin M. Bibb’s Transition Report

Cleveland Mayor Justin M. Bibb has released his Transition Report, outlining priorities for his first 100 days in office, which include plans for targeted investments and actions to make Cleveland a model for the nation on city management, police reform, and neighborhood revitalization.

The Transition Report was the result of work done by ten subcommittees and two taskforces, comprised of over eighty community members representing residents, academics, business and faith leaders, healthcare professionals, and nonprofit leaders. Each subcommittee was supported by at least one student from the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. Students aided with research, data analysis, and report writing. “I am deeply thankful to the emerging and experienced leaders and community voices that shaped this Transition Report to guide the future direction of our city," noted Bibb.