A Message from Roland V. Anglin, PhD, Dean and Professor, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education

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Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to introduce you to the "new” Levin College of Public Affairs and Education at Cleveland State University!

Cleveland State University (CSU) recently completed a realignment process called CSU 2.0, which is a forward thinking, growth-oriented plan that will allow CSU to return from the global pandemic as a stronger, more focused institution. As a result, the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, the School of Communication, the Department of Criminology and Sociology, and the College of Education and Human Services were realigned to produce a new entity: The College of Public Affairs and Education. The Levin family generously provided a transformational gift in October 2022 to support the new college which now bears their name. The Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs also retains the Levin name.

Challenges such as economic inequality, public safety, technological advances, and climate change, are all inextricably linked. My colleagues and I, in the new college, hope to create a larger space for more intensive work in economic development, community development, city planning, public safety, health, education (including primary, secondary, and adult education, as well as educational leadership), and new media. I believe the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education is well-positioned to address these goals using our core units' best strengths.

Read the full letter. »