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New Research: Disrupting Innovation

This analysis creates a coherent conceptual framework for inclusive development, one of the first of its kind. In doing so, it reimagines innovation with community impact embedded at the forefront of thought. The aim is in direct lineage of Norman Krumholz's equity planning that captured the profession's imagination. Except, here, it would be more aptly described as "equity economic development.”

The analysis uses novel statistical techniques, particularly natural language processing and social network analysis, to more precisely answer questions that Cleveland has been trying to answer for some time. Like what are the region's R&D assets that differentiate it from other cities? Who are the key researchers doing that work? How could these innovation-inducing assets be fostered by precision migration and convention strategies via the likes of Global Cleveland and Destination Cleveland? Most crucially: Do any of these regional assets align with neighborhood needs, in effect creating a feedback loop between economic and community development as opposed to the parallel, diverging, paths these sectors are currently on?

The short answer is "yes.” A longer answer can be found in the pages that follow. It's enough now to say population health lies at the nexus of the opportunities and challenges that Cleveland faces in this brave new world going forward. The economy is inseparable from health. Without health, prosperity isn't possible. It's an appropriate time to "disrupt,” or fundamentally reimagine, innovation, the healthcare industry, and health outcomes in Cleveland. The endgame, here, is not yet another economic development policy with well-being as a hoped-for byproduct. The endgame is better health in Cleveland. In fact, better population health is an economic development policy, if not the only economic development policy that's needed in this time and place.

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Repository Citation
Piiparinen, Richey; Valdez, Joshua; Krebs, Valdis; and Russell, Jim, "Disrupting Innovation" (2022). Urban Publications. 0 1 2 3 1771.