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Publication Spotlight: 4/2017

Take a look at a recent Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs publication:

Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio by Andrew R. Thomas, Jeffery C. Dick, Peter Scully, Sydney A. Martis, and Taekyoung Lim

Document Type: Report
Publication Date: March 2017
Research Center: Energy Policy Center
This report presents findings from an investigation into shale-related investment in Ohio from researchers at Cleveland State and Youngstown State Universities. The investment estimates are cumulative from 2011 through the summer of 2016. Subsequent reports will estimate additional investment since the date of this report.
The investigation was made into upstream, midstream and downstream investments. The downturn in oil and gas prices in late 2014 that continued through 2016 has constrained upstream investment in Ohio, as drilling slowed. However low hydrocarbon prices have increased a nationwide appetite for natural gas and natural gas liquids. This has led to a continuation of midstream and downstream investment.
Since operating companies do not generally make investments publicly available, upstream investments were estimated by using approximations for typical expenditures on wells that are drilled in the Utica. Information for typical investments were obtained through a combination of industry interviews and publicly available data.

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