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Publication Spotlight: Quantifying the Impacts of Suburbanization without Growth  

Dr. Joanna Ganning, Associate Dean of Faculty Research, Development, and Administration in the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education at Cleveland State University and Associate Professor of Economic Development for the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs has published an article, "Quantifying the Impacts of Suburbanization without Growth on Central City Housing Vacancy,” in Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy. 

The paper applies an economic framework of suburbanization and vacancy to 99 urbanized areas in the United States to estimate the impact on central city residential vacancy from 2013 to 2019. The results support the central hypothesis, that regional over-building contributes to central city vacancy, and that this impact is significantly magnified by the context of decline. Results show regional over-building causes central city vacancy in Shrinking Cities at 9.6 times the effect observed in other Principal Cities. 

The full article can be found here. »