Education Student Services Center
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, JH 170
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Julka Hall, Room 170
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.4625
Scholarships & Assistantships
Levin College Scholarships and Financial Aid for Education Majors
Scholarships and Financial Aid Opportunities
2024-2025 Scholarship Application
Graduate Assistant Application
CSU Scholarships
Visit the CSU Financial Aid Page for more scholarship listings.
Cleveland Foundation Scholarships
Click here to see the Cleveland Foundation scholarship listing.
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
1.) The LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland annually awards the Pride Scholarship to 2 eligible applicants between the age of 17-25 who are residents of Ohio, and are seeking scholarship money to any university, community college, technical school, art school, or para-professional school. Please visit the website for more information.
2.) AASPA (American Association of School Personnel Administrators) is a national professional organization comprised of school personnel administrators. Annually AASPA awards these scholarships to minority candidates entering the final year of teacher preparation for the field of education or school leadership.
3.) Delta Kappa Gamma is an International Society for Key Women Educators and the Gamma Iota Chapter offers scholarship monies ($1500) to deserving local female college sophomore or junior students in teacher education programs. Applicants must be current female sophomore or junior who excel in a Teacher Education Program and reside in Mentor, Eastlake, Kirtland, Wickliffe, Willoughby, Willowick, Timberlake, or Willoughby Hills in Ohio. Applications must be received by March 10, 2024. Click here for the application.
4.) College Club West is an organization of and for supporting women college graduates. College Club West is offering scholarships to women who are residents of the Greater Cleveland area. Applicants must already be pursuing a four-year undergraduate or graduate degree in any area of study. Scholarships will be awarded to women who are 25 years of age and older, and will be based on their financial needs, career goals and academic records. The deadline for completed applications is March 14, 2025. The scholarship application, eligibility requirements and application process can be found at: If you have any questions, please contact
5.) Elizabeth Keller Scholarship Fund coordinated by Lorain County Retired Teachers Association (LORCORTA) is seeking applicants for an education scholarship for LORAIN COUNTY RESIDENTS or a graduate of a high school in Lorain County. This is 3 scholarships of $1500 each for education majors pursuing any level of teacher licensure. Download an application at and click on the Mary Elizabeth Keller Scholarship. Applications must be received by April 1, 2025.
6.) Delta Kappa Gamma is an International Society for Key Women Educators and the Gamma Theta Chapter offers scholarship monies ($750) to deserving local female majoring in the field of education. Applicants must reside in Eastern Lake County, be pursuing a degree in Education, and be entering their sophomore or junior year of college. Applications must be received by March 15, 2024. Click here for the application.
7.) Dr. Lillian M. Lowery Scholarship is awarded annually to support a student pursuing a master's degree in education who embodies a spirit of committment to furthering opportunities for all students. The scholarship award is $15,000 and the application deadline is March 17, 2025. Please click here for more information.
9.) Lena M. Green Scholarship is awarded annually to support a full-time freshman, sophomore, or junior at a public or private four-year U.S. college or university during the 23-24 academic school year. The scholarship award is $20,000 and the application deadline is March 17, 2025. Please click here for more information.
10.) Adult Learner Program Scholarship-College Now provides scholarship opportunities to adult students age 19 and above who have interrupted their education for at least one year and who are pursuing a non-degree certificate or license in a vocational or technical program, an associate's degree, or first bachelor's degree. The scholarship award is $1,000-$2,000 per academic year and the application deadline is April 16, 2025. The application and additional details can be found at
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, JH 170
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Julka Hall, Room 170
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.4625