Research and Recent Publications

Community Resources

Hill, H. Let's Talk: A Toolkit for Conversations About Race (2021). Children's Museum of Cleveland.


Struwig, M., & Stead, G. B. (2023). Conducting research. Wize Books. 

Vasudevan, V., Gross, N., Nagarajan, P., & Clonan-Roy, K. (2022). Care-Based Methodologies: Reimagining Qualitative Research with Youth in US Schools. Bloomsbury Press.


Clonan-Roy, K., Naser, S., Fuller, K., & Goncy, E. (2023). Sexual and gender diverse youth's marginalization in school based sex education and development of adaptive competencies. Psychology in the Schools, 60(7), 2592 – 2609.

Clonan-Roy, K., Goncy, E., Fuller, K., Naser, S., DeBoard, A.S, Hall, A.S, & Williams, A.S (2020). Preserving Abstinence and Preventing Rape: How Sex Education Textbooks Contribute to Rape Culture. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 231 - 245.

•    The superscript "s" indicates student authors.

Clonan-Roy, K., Gross, N., & Jacobs, C. (2020). Safe Rebellious Spaces: The Value of Informal Spaces in Schools to Combat the Emotional Silencing of Youth of Color. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 34(4), 330-352.

Hernandez, J., & Galletta, A.  (2016).  The continuum of structural violence: Sustaining exclusion through school closures. Community Psychology in Global Perspective2(2), 21-39. DOI:10.1285/i24212113v2i2p21

Hamlen Mansour, K., Jackson, D., Bievenue, L., Voight, A., & Sridhar, N. (2023, Feb). Understanding the impact of peer instruction in CS principles teacher professional development. ACM Transactions on Computing Education.

Hamlen, K. R. (2018). General problem-solving styles and problem-solving approaches in video games. Journal of Educational Computing Research.

Hamlen, K. R. (2013/2015). Understanding children's choices and cognition in video game play: A synthesis of three studies. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 221(2), 107-114., H., Warren, M., & Jacobs, C. E. (2023). Mapping the Boundaries of Racetalk: Examining the Experiences of Black Girls in Independent Schools. Teachers College Record, 01614681231194407.

Nemeth, E., & Hill, H. (2021). Visions of Childhood, Notions of Rurality, and Anti-bias Education: Emerging Educators Strive for Praxis.

Hughes, C.E. (2023). Meshing methods: Curriculum Considerations for Twice-Exceptional Children.  In J. VanTassel-Baska & C.A. Little (Eds). Content-based curriculum for high ability learners, 4th  ed.  Routledge. 

Hughes, C. E. (2023, Spring). The 3 key things you need to know about 2e education. Teachers Connecting to Advance Retention and Empowerment (T-CARE), Vol. 14. P. 2.

Howerter, C.A., Hughes, C.E., Little, J., & Sears, J. (2022, September). Two for One: Dual Certification Program Pros and Cons. Journal of Special Education Preparation. 

Murawski, W.W., & Hughes, C.E. (2021). Special educators in inclusive settings: Take STEPS for self-advocacy. Teaching Exceptional Children. 53(3), 184-193. 

Liu, X., Zhao, W., Qi, Q., & Luo, X. (2023). A survey on autism care, diagnosis, and intervention based on mobile apps: Focusing on usability and software design. Sensors, 23(14), 6260. 

Zhao, W., Liu, X., Qiu, T., & Luo, X. (2020). Virtual avatar-based life coaching for children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Computer, 53(2), 26–34. 
Liu, X., Wachira, P., Koc, S., & Pourdavood, R. (2021). An exploratory study of predictors of pre-service teachers' intention to integrate computer games in mathematics education. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10(1), 145–161. 

Stead, G. B., LaVeck, L. M., & Hurtado Rua, S. M. (2022). Career adaptability and career decision self-efficacy: Meta-analysis. Journal of Career Development, 49, 951-964. 

Stead, G. B., & Poklar, A. E. (2021).  Cross-cultural career psychology from a critical psychology perspective. In P. Robertson, T. Hooley, & P. McCash (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of career development (pp. 239-253). New York: Oxford University Press. 


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JH 378
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