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Focus on Facts

A new Focus on Facts is available: "Don't Count Us Out!" Who is Likely to be Missed in the 2020 Census? by Dr. Mark Salling


Targeted for April, the 2020 Census is around the corner. The Census Bureau, news media, state and local governments, and national and local non-profit organizations are all working hard to convince the public that responding to the Census is safe, confidential, and very important.

Yet we know some people will be missed. "Omissions" represent people who should have been counted but were not. In the 2010 Census the national rate of Omissions was 5.3 percent of total population, versus 3.5 in Ohio. Other national rates were: 9.3 percent for African-Americans; 7.7 percent for Hispanics; 3.8 percent for non-Hispanic whites; 8.5 percent among renters; and 3.7 percent among homeowners. Larger cities had higher Omissions rates.

More about Focus on Facts:

Focus on Facts provides brief, thought-provoking information about urban policy issues based on research conducted at the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. Our purpose is to stimulate additional discussion and debate. The series includes a “Map of the Month” as well as other formats. Questions or comments about specific topics can be addressed via email to the author(s). Questions or comments about the series of publications can be addressed to the Focus on Facts editor, Associate Dean Bob Gleeson at

This and subsequent reports in this series are available on the Focus on Facts newsletter page.