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Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR335
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 335
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.2135
External Scholarships and Student Opportunities Archive
Please note that this is an archive of external scholarships and student opportunities. Most of the items listed below are no longer active. For more current listings please see the External Scholarships and Student Opportunities page.
The Levin Student Services Center (LSSC) occasionally receives announcements of external scholarships and other opportunities of interest to Urban Affairs students and graduates. As announcements are received, they will be posted below. For more information about a particular opportunity, please contact the associated organization directly.
All opportunities are posted for informational purposes only and at the discretion of Levin College. Postings may be denied or removed without notice. Levin makes no guarantee as to the completeness / correctness of the information listed below. We cannot guarantee the reliability or character of the listing from an employer. We cannot be responsible for potential disputes or contractual difficulties. We strongly advise applicants to research and screen potential employers carefully.
Also see our Career Information and Internship listing pages.
Urban Affairs
Posting Date: 3/28/2024
Position: AmeriCorps Summer of Service Opportunity
Company/Organization: AmeriCorps
Three Positions available to serve at Parma City Schools Nutrition Services where you will assist with providing students with meals, preparing and delivering enrichment activities, working in school gardens, and supporting farm to school initiatives.
Note: Application deadline is N/A, however the job start Summer 2024.
Posting Date: 1/24/2024
Position: Seeking Assistance for Solar Eclipse Event
Company/Organization: Ohio Public Health Association
Public health and emergency response agencies have been preparing for a solar eclipse that will span 124 miles across the state of Ohio on April 8, 2024. This event will be bringing in influx of travelers. This influx brings challenges such as an increase in temporary campground and food licenses, increase in traffic, potential gridlock, cell phone service disruptions, and more.
The Public Health Professional Services (PHPS) program is reaching out to local public health agencies to better understand how we can support them in preparing for this event. We are seeking consultants in the following areas that would be interested in assisting these agencies:
- Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS) to assist plan reviews, license approvals, and site inspections
- Professionals experienced in GIS or other geographical mapping software
- Emergency Management Specialists
- Public Information Officers (PIO)/communication specialists
If you are interested in potentially contracting with an agency to provide assistance in one of these areas, let me know so I can get an estimate of how much help we are able to provide.
Posting Date: 11/28/2023
Position: Agilemile Scholarship Program
Company/Organization: Agilemile
The team at Agile Mile is proud to announce our 2024 Scholarship Program with the mission of supporting Black students studying urban planning and computer science. These scholarships aim to improve diversity in TDM and computer science.
Here are some fast facts about the program:
- Agile Mile, Inc. is awarding two $2,000 scholarships to students pursuing degrees in Urban Planning or Computer Science
- The recipient of the Urban Planning Scholarship will also receive a one-year membership to ACT
Posting Date: 1/16/2024
Position: The LSC Fellowship Program
Company/Organization: State Government - OHIO
• A 13-month legislative and media production position available and The fellowship includes a $44,000 salary with health benefits.
• Same benefit package provided to all permanent, full time state employees.
• Explore public service, assist legislators and constituents or the staff of the Ohio Channel.
• No Political Experience required
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR335
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 335
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.2135