
Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management

The Graduate Certificate Program in Local Government Management helps practitioners address the challenges and opportunities facing cities, such as budget cutbacks and equity planning. This program also assists experienced managers from the business or nonprofit sectors to make the transition into local government.

This certificate program blends the theory and practice of local government and gives participants the skills necessary to survive and succeed as effective and ethical leaders in local urban management. The course work in the curriculum reflects the priorities of practicing city managers. A total of four courses are required; two core courses and two electives.

Admission Information

Degree-seeking graduate students who hold regular admission status may be admitted to a certificate program. Alternatively, the applicant must meet the graduate certificate admission requirements detailed in the Admissions section of the Graduate Catalog and listed below. With program permission, non-degree graduate students may take the courses noted below, but non-degree graduate students cannot earn a university graduate certificate.

Local Government Management Certificate Admission Requirements:

  • Submission of application for licensure admission and application fee.
  • Official transcripts confirming completion of baccalaureate degree, completed master’s degree, or completed JD degree.
  • Students must meet one of the following admission criteria:
  1. For bachelor's degrees earned within the past six years, the applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA for the bachelor’s degree of 2.75 (4 point scale),
  2. OR if the bachelor's degree is more than six years old, the applicant must have a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA,
  3. OR a minimum GRE score of the 50th percentile,
  4. OR completion of 12 graduate level credits at CSU with a minimum "B" in each course,
  5. OR completion of regionally accredited U.S. masters or Juris Doctorate degree.

Submit application materials to the Graduate Admissions Office:
2121 Euclid Ave
Attn: Application Processing Center
Cleveland, OH 44115

To facilitate the admission process, please use the online application system.

Course Requirements

Required Courses

  • UST 600: Foundations in Public Administration (3 credits)
  • UST 619: City Management (4 credits)

Electives (At least one elective must be from this list)
Two courses may be chosen from the following list. Another appropriate course may be selected with approval from the graduate certificate program advisor.

  • ACT584: Government & Institutional Accounting (3 credits)
  • UST 603: Public Sector Economics (3 credits)
  • UST 631: Law and Public Administration (4 credits)
  • UST 633: Budget Policy and Management (4 credits)

Electives (You may choose one elective from this list)

  • UST 510: Proposal Writing (4 credits)
  • UST 572: Negotiation and Conflict Management (4 credits)
  • UST 604: Leadership, Management, and Organizational Behavior (4 credits)
  • UST 634: Ethics in the Public Sector (3 credits)
  • UST 690: Internship (3 credits)

Local Government Management Certificate classes are taught by Cleveland State University faculty, researchers, instructors, and professionals working in the region.

Additional Program Instructors:
The program draws on the experience and knowledge of the professionals associated with the research and public service centers of the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. They are supplemented by local government leaders drawn from practice.

Contact Information

For more information please contact:
Public Affairs Student Services Center
Telephone: (216) 687-3884 / E-mail: