Center for Urban Education
Mailing Address
Julka Hall 390
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-5437
Fax: 216-687-5370
Funding Opportunities for Urban Education Research
The Center for Urban Education maintains a list of competitive funding opportunities that support research and practice related to urban education. CSU faculty as well as partners external to CSU are invited to consult this list to learn about potential sources of support for their work related to urban education. Center staff are happy to discuss these opportunities and to potentially assist with the submission of a proposal. The list of funding opportunities below includes the name of the funding agency; the name of the specific grant competition; the areas of urban education that are prioritized by the competition; the award amounts; and a link to a website for more information.
This list is not exhaustive of all funding opportunities that support research and practice related to urban education. If you know of an opportunity not included below, please send an email to, and it will be added to the list.
Funding opportunities for urban education research (in alphabetical order by funding agency):
Funding Agency | Competition Name | Relevant priority areas | Awards/Amounts | Website |
American Associaton for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | Science and Technology Policy Fellowship | Science education, research, and innovation | Stipend of $55,000 to $100,000 per year | AAAS |
American Educational Research Association (AERA) | Research Grants | New quantitative measures or methodological approaches for addressing education issues; interdisciplinary teams with subject matter expertise (especially when studying STEM learning); analyses of TIMSS, PISA, or other international data resources; integration and analysis of more than one data set | Up to $20,000 for one year and up to $35,000 for two years | AERA |
Brady Education Foundation | Evaluations of existing model programs or innovative research, including efficacy and effectiveness studies | Closing the achievement gap for children at risk for poor school outcomes due to environmental factors associated with living in poverty | Open | Brady Education Foundation |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence-Related Injury | Prevention of teen dating violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, youth violence, or suicidal behavior | Up to $350,000 per year for a maximum of three years | CDC |
Ford Foundation | Open | Higher education for social justice; more and better learning time; transforming secondary education | Open | Ford Foundation |
Institute of Education Sciences (IES) | Education Research Grant Program; five goals: (1) exploration; (2) development and innovation; (3) efficacy and replication; (4) effectiveness; (5) measurement |
Cognition and student learning; early learning programs and policies; education technology; effective teachers and effective teaching; English learners; improving education systems: policies, organization, management, and leadership; mathematics and science education; postsecondary and adult education; reading and writing; social and behavioral context for academic learning | Up to $5,000,000 over five years | IES |
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) | Comprehensive School Safety Initiative | Increasing scientific knowledge about the root causes, characteristics, and consequences of school violence and other threats to school and student safety; developing, supporting, and rigorously evaluating a wide range of school and student safety programs, practices, and strategies; developing a comprehensive school safety framework based on the best available information and evidence and testing it in selected school districts. | Up to $5,000,000 over five years | NIJ |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Multiple | Healthy school environments; building child-centered communities | Varies | RWJF |
Spencer Foundation | Small Research Grants | Education and social opportunity; organizational learning; purposes and values of education; teaching, learning, and instructional resources; field-initiated proposals | Up to $50,000 | Spencer Foundation |
W.K. Kellogg Foundation | Open, emphasis on evaluation of community-based interventions | Child (prenatal-8) development: (a) education; (b) health; (c) secure families; (d) community and civic engagement; (e) racial equity |
Open | WKKF |
William T. Grant Foundation | Research Grants | Programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes; the use of research evidence in policy and practice | $100,000 to $600,000 for two to three years | William T. Grant Foundation |
Mailing Address
Julka Hall 390
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-5437
Fax: 216-687-5370