Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR335
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 335
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.2135
Levin College Profiles

M.P.A. (Nonprofit Management), Levin College - Cleveland State University
Graduate Certificate, Nonprofit Management, Cleveland State University
B.A. (Art History), Case Western Reserve University
Where are you currently residing?
New York, New York
Where are you from?
South Euclid, Ohio
Current Employment:
Position Title: Claims Examiner
Place of Employment: Department of Labor
Job Duties: Adjudicate and monitor claims under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.
Volunteer Experience:
While living in Cleveland, I served as a board member for the Northern Ohio Returned Volunteers Association, a nonprofit made up of returned Peace Corps Volunteers. I also hosted international visitors of the State Department, as a citizen diplomat, for the Cleveland Council of World Affairs. Since moving to New York, I have been involved with the DOROT, an organization working to remove social isolation for seniors.
Why did you decide to attend Levin?
I had recently returned to Cleveland after serving in the Peace Corps. After a frustrating job hunt, I knew I needed to get reconnected to the community, and gain more experience through pursuing a master's degree. The MPA program was a good fit for me. Levin is well-connected with the Cleveland community, offered the course work I was looking for, and helped financially with a graduate assistantship.
How did your experience at Levin influence your career path?
When I started the graduate program, my interest was in the nonprofit sector, specifically in supporting the arts. Working through my course work, I realized my understanding of public service, and my intended career path was too narrow for me. Levin expanded my understanding of the ways one can serve the public, exposed me to a variety of leaders in their fields, and allowed me to consider a larger pool of potential career paths.
What's your favorite Levin memory?
I really enjoyed my trips from my Coventry apartment, on the east side, down to Cleveland State on the Healthline bus.
It was a calming break from my hectic schedule, and allowed me time reflect on the work I was doing as a graduate student, surrounded by the people and environment of a developing Cleveland. I dearly miss that bus ride now.
What piece of advice do you have for current Levin graduate students?
Go to everything, talk to everyone! Levin is full of professors, students and experiences that will help you grow, and that growth doesn't just happen during your time in classes. Take time to meet people, attend events, and immerse yourself in the graduate experience. Make the effort, ask for what you need and Levin will not disappoint.
What was the most valuable lesson you learned at Levin?
Something I use often in my work now is my understanding of government organizations and how they work. I don't mean on a technical level, but on a greater theoretical level.
Being able to take myself out of hard situations at work and step back to evaluate why it's happening, and how the organizational structures and norms are influencing my experiences helps me to remain calm, and reduce my frustrations.
What inspires you about Northeast Ohio?
The people who live in Northeast Ohio are passionately devoted to the city and region. Northeast Ohio supports so many people in a variety of ways. From recently arrived refugees, to world class artists, to professional sports players, everyone who is involved in the city seems to genuinely care for it and each finds unique ways to contribute to the city.
In your opinion, what's Northeast Ohio's best kept secret?
Pommes Frites at Greenhouse Tavern! Seriously, I can't get enough of that rosemary garlic deliciousness! (And during happy hour, even a graduate student on a budget can enjoy them!)
What issues are you passionate about/what inspires you?
I find inspiration in meeting and experiencing people different from me. The more we know about each other, the more we care for each other, -- and the more we try to connect and understand each other, the better our communities, and the world can be.
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR335
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 335
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.2135