Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Profiles

Levin Profiles Archive

Levin Profiles showcase Levin College student and alumni experiences and the important work they are doing in the community. Read some of our recent stories below here. Would you like to featured in a Levin College Profile? If so please complete this profile form.

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Giovanni David Robert Dushaw (MPA ‘21 & BAUS ‘20)
Posted on December 7, 2021

Giovanni Dushaw Headshot

What attracted me to the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs is the diversity of courses offered. This diversity was desirable because it allowed me the opportunity to learn many new skills that I would later be able to apply in the field... My experience at Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs was exceptional. This is due to the excellence of the Dean of the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs, the staff, and the professors who delivered a top-notch education to me. Read more. »

Waverly Willis (BA ’13)
Posted on May 14, 2021

Waverly Willis Headshot

Levin graduate Waverly Willis (BA ’13), owner of Urban Kutz Barbershop, has partnered with the Cleveland Department of Public Heath (CDPH) to host two COVID-19 vaccination clinics at both of his barbershop locations this month. An article by News 5 Cleveland recently reported that people of color are getting vaccinated at a lower rate than other populations, and Waverly has made strides toward bringing vaccines to people in his community. Waverly shared that he is passionate about taking care of forgotten populations like the homeless, mentally ill, and addicted. His story reflects how his Levin experienced shaped his role in public service and showcases how public service can be infused in many walks of life. Read more. »

Arianna Killing (5 Year BA + MAES Student)
Posted on April 29, 2021

Arianna Killing Headshot

Levin was the only college I could find that had a dedicated urban college with programs that aligned with my interests and passions. Read more. »



Alex Strawser (BAUS '16)
Posted on April 8, 2021

Alex Strawser Headshot

Through the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs, I was able to complete internships with the City of Shaker Heights Planning Department and the City of Cleveland Planning Commission…These internships were instrumental for my development in being able to apply academic lessons and network with professionals in the planning industry. To this day, the connections from my internships remain some of my strongest in the planning field. These internships validated my decision in choosing the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs and the planning profession. Read more. »

Cait Kennedy (PhD - In Progress, MSUS '19)
Posted on March 4, 2021

Cait Kennedy Headshot

Levin connected me to leaders in the community who have mentored and supported me through my professional and academic growth. I did not anticipate pursuing a PhD when I started, but my positive experience with the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs as an MSUS student, coupled with my passion for my research area, led me on a new and exciting path into the Urban Studies and Public Affairs PhD program. Read more. »

John Bausone (BAOL '19)
Posted on January 28, 2021

John Bausone Headshot

My experience at Levin was all positive. The professors engaged and challenged me throughout my time at CSU. Additionally, I was able to build relationships and network with my peers and colleagues. Read more. »


Austin Bloom (MSUS '17)
Posted on January 7, 2021

Austin Bloom Headshot

I can directly trace my experience at Levin to my current career path… I landed my first job in the field after hearing about it from a classmate. I learned a lot at that job, and it played a big part in preparing me for the work I'm doing today. I am always meeting former students, and having that instant connection is so valuable and special to the Levin experience. Read more. »

Zach Kramka (MPA '19 & BAUS '18)
Posted on December 4, 2020

Zach Kramka Headshot

I knew before attending college that I was interested in pursuing a career in city management. My time at Levin only reaffirmed this. The faculty did everything they could to make sure I had all the support I needed to help facilitate my entrance into the city management profession after graduation. Read more. »

Ariel Travis (BAUS '16)
​​​​​​Posted on November 12, 2020

Ariel Travis Headshot

I founded and currently run SignHero, a sign and display company. We are one of America’s leading brands for real estate signs for private home sellers and for car magnets. When COVID-19 hit, we decided to aid in the response and are now also one of the top-selling brands for sneeze guards (the plexiglass barriers you see on store counters). This year, we have already sold over 10,000 sneeze guards to over 6,000 local and national customers – including individuals, businesses, schools, nonprofits, and the government. Read more. »

Edwin Hubbard Jr. (BA Nonprofit Administration ’13)
Posted on September 17, 2020

Edwin Hubbard Junior Headshot

At Levin, I learned that my degree not only could support me financially, but allow me to make a significant impact in my community. An Urban Affairs degree prepares students to take on the challenge of advocating for those who are underserved and underrepresented. My degree has allowed me to truly understand what advocacy and inclusiveness means without compromising my own earning potential to help others. I am now able to support my family while being a change agent and voice in my community. Read more. »

Arleesha Wilson (MUPD '17)
Posted on August 4, 2020

Arleesha Wilson Headshot

I remember participating in the annual real estate competition in Dr. Simons' class... I will never forget how empowered I felt presenting my project. It was a culmination of all my skills--spatial analytics, financing, market analysis, and persuasive delivery of content. A couple years later, I had the privilege of representing the buyer in a transaction involving the exact same piece of land from my project! It was like coming full circle. This is a memory that I hold close to my heart :)  Read more. »

Maximilian Upton (MPA '17 & BAUS '14)
Posted on June 5, 2020

Max Upton Headshot

As a kid growing up in shadows of the smoke stacks in Lorain, Ohio, I saw the effects of globalization on industry and wanted to learn how cities adapted and what leaders could do to affect that change. So, naturally, Levin was a great fit. Read more. »


Ethan Goodman (MPA '17)
Posted on April 6, 2020

Ethan Goodman Headshot

I had the luxury of many hands-on internship and academic opportunities. Those experiences opened many doors and allowed me to network with professionals in a variety of fields. This enabled me to navigate different career paths even while I was still in college. Read more. »


Tania Menesse (MSUS '10)
Posted on March 9, 2020

Tania Menesse Headshot

My time at Levin started me on a journey of continuous learning and development. My classes sparked an intellectual curiosity in me that I didn't know I had and it has propelled my passion for economic and community development in Cleveland. Read more. »


Ryan Hetrick (BAUS Student)
Posted on January 28, 2020

Ryan Hetrick Headshot

I chose Levin because I am from Northern Ohio and the Urban Studies/Urban Planning program at CSU was highly recommended and ranked nationally. I visited the college and was dually impressed by the facilities and the faculty. I made the right choice! Read more. »


Kevin Hudson (MUPDD '16 & BAUS '13)
Posted on November 25, 2019

Kevin Hudson Headshot

After completing a history degree from CSU in 2003, I worked in Lorain, Ohio and became interested in economic development. I decided to return to school to learn how to create better communities. Since I already attended CSU, I was familiar with the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs and its national reputation for studying the issues I was interested in. The flexibility of the program made returning to school more accessible for a non-traditional student. The Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs was truly the best choice. Read more. » 

Benjamin Limmer (MUPDD '03)
Posted on October 14, 2019

Benjamin Limmer Headshot

Levin set me up to be highly successful in the planning field by connecting me with numerous internship opportunities. One of these opportunities was at the Greater Cleveland RTA and now I am a CEO of a Regional Transportation Authority. Read more. » 


Lionel Smith (BA Urban Services Administration '05)
Posted on July 22, 2019

Lionel Smith Headshot

I transferred to Cleveland State at the beginning of my sophomore year specifically to attend the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. I was drawn to the faculty and curricula of the College's programs, the urban location, and the reality that the city of Cleveland truly is your campus. Read more. » 


David Whittaker (MPA '17)
Posted on June 6, 2019

David Whittaker Headshot

Whenever I was at Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs I noticed an energy in the building. I found myself super pumped to get to class every evening, even after working for eight hours during the day. The experience was great. The professors were great. And the diverse backgrounds, personalities, and professions of my classmates were always something I enjoyed being immersed in. Read more. » 

Audrey Winkler (MPA '17)
Posted on May 3, 2019

Audrey Winkler Headshot

I am eternally thankful for my experience at Levin, because it helped me find a career that aligns with my passion for helping others. Read more. »


Kestutis "KC" Petraitis (MPA '10 & BA Nonprofit Administration ’08)
Posted on March 7, 2019

KC Headshot

I hope that long after my time ends, the decisions I make every day will leave a positive and long lasting impact on our region for generations to come. Read more. »



Ryan McBrayer (MAES '13)
Posted on February 14, 2019

Ryan McBrayer Headshot

The effort you put in reflects your outcome. If you treat school just as school, you get exactly out of it what you put in. I treated Levin as an opportunity, and opportunities immediately manifested. Read more. »


Danielle Locke (MPA '05)
Posted on January 11, 2019

Danielle Locke Headshot

Opportunity comes from taking risks, even small ones. When my term with the Community Foundation ended, I took a leap of faith and launched my own firm. I knew there was a need in the nonprofit sector that I could help fill. It is terrifying, exciting, and deeply gratifying. I couldn’t be happier. Read more. »


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