Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR 32
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 32
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.2210
Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office Table Information
This background information is related to the data processing of Cuyahoga County transfer records. For more information about CCFO tables click here.
Deed Types
'ADM' = 'Administrative'
'AFF' = 'Affidavit'
'APP' = 'Appropriations'
'AUD' = 'Auditor' or ‘Auditor Ex' (this appears to have been changed to ‘FOF'=fiscal officer)
‘BAI', 'BLF' = 'Bailiff' or 'Bailiff Ex'
‘BLF', 'BAI' = 'Bailiff' or 'Bailiff Ex'
'CHN' = 'Change Of Name'
‘CLA', ‘CLC' = ‘Cancel Land Contract'
‘CLC', ‘CLA' = ‘Cancel Land Contract'
‘CLE' = ‘Cancel Life Estate'
'COM', ‘CMM' ='Commissioners'
'CMM', ‘COM' ='Commissioners'
'CON' = 'Condominium'
‘COP', ‘CPL' = ‘Common Pleas'
‘COR' = 'Corrective' or ‘Corrective Deed – Ex'
‘CPL', ‘COP' = ‘Common Pleas'
‘CRP' = ‘Corporation'
‘DCN' = ‘Deed – County'
‘DED', ‘DEE' = ‘Deed'
‘DEE', ‘DED' = ‘Deed'
‘DGI' = ‘Deed – Gift'
‘DIL' = ‘Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure'
‘DIS' = ‘Disclaimant – TOD Beneficiary'
‘DOR' = ‘Deed of Revocation'
‘DOW', ‘REL' = ‘Dower Release', see also ‘REL'
'DTH' ='Death Certificate'
'DVJ' ='Divorce Journal'
‘EAS' = ‘Easement'
‘ERR' = ‘Erroneous Transfer'
'EXC' ='Executors'
‘FED' = ‘Federal Deed'
'FID' ='Fiduciary'
‘FOF' = ‘Fiscal Officer Ex'
'FOR' ='Forfeiture'
‘GAR', 'GDN', ‘GUA' = 'Guardian'
‘GDN', 'GAR', ‘GUA' = 'Guardian'
'GOV' = 'Governor' or ‘Governor Ex'
‘GUA', 'GDN', ‘GAR' = 'Guardian'
‘HPR' = ‘Deed/Historic Preservation'
‘JEN', ‘JOU' = ‘Journal Entry'
‘JOU', ‘JEN' = ‘Journal Entry'
‘JUD' = ‘Judgement Entry'
'LC*', ‘LND' ='Land Contract'
‘LEA' = ‘Lease'
‘LFE', ‘LIF' = 'Life Estate'
‘LIF', ‘LFE' = ‘Life Estate'
‘LIM' = ‘Limited Warranty'
‘LIP' = ‘Lease in Perpetuity'
‘LIS', ‘LPE' = ‘Lis Penden'
‘LND', ‘LC*' ='Land Contract'
‘LIS', ‘LPE' = ‘Lis Penden'
‘LRE' = ‘Land Reutilization'
'MAR' = 'Marshall'
‘NEN' = ‘Not entered'
‘OIL' = ‘Oil & Gas Well'
'ORD' = 'Ordinance'
‘OTV' = ‘Order to Vacate (Sheriff-Tax)'
'PCT' = 'Probate Court'
‘PEA' = ‘Peace Officer'
'PLT' = 'Plat'
'QTC' = 'Quit Claim'
‘REC' = ‘Receivers'
‘RED' = ‘Redeemed'
'REF' = 'Refile Deed'
‘REL', ‘DOW' = ‘Release of Dower'
‘REN' = ‘Rental Disclosure'
‘RLL' = ‘Release Lease'
‘RLP' = ‘Release – Lis Pendens'
'SHF' ='Sheriff'
‘SPI' = ‘Survivorship, part interest'
‘SPL' = ‘Split'
'SUR' ='Survivorship'
‘TID' = ‘Title'
‘TOD' = 'Transfer on Death'
'TOR' = 'Torrens'
'TRS' = 'Trustee'
'TR*' = 'Trust'
‘VFO' = ‘Vacate Fiscal Officer Deed'
‘VSD' = ‘Vacate Sheriff Deed'
'WAR' = 'Warranty'
‘WHI' = ‘Warranty-H', ‘Warranty – Part Interest'
‘99L', ‘99Y' = ‘99 Year Lease'
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR 32
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 32
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.2210