Interested in earning credit for your work, training, and volunteer experiences?
If so, the AAPLE program is for you! AAPLE (Assessment and Accreditation of Prior Learning Experience) allows you to earn academic credit for significant prior learning. This credit may be applied to one of these undergraduate majors in the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs:
- Urban and Regional Studies
- Nonprofit Administration
- Public Safety Management
- Economic Development
- Environmental Studies
- Organizational Leadership
The AAPLE Program:
- Connects your prior learning with academic coursework,
- Saves you significant time and educational costs, and
- Grants you 3-24 credit hours towards your Bachelor’s degree.
AAPLE begins with UST 190: Analysis of Experiential Learning in Urban Affairs. This two-credit course teaches you the essentials of portfolio writing and acquaints you with the various majors in the college.
If you are interested in AAPLE, take this brief self-assessment. It will help you and the course instructor determine whether your prior learning will enable you to complete the AAPLE Program successfully. Click here to begin the assessment.
The faculty and staff of the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs are ready to answer questions about AAPLE. If you wish to schedule an appointment to discuss your readiness for AAPLE, please contact:
Mr. Ken Galla, AAPLE Instructor/Coordinator
Telephone: (216) 523-7544
Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2105