Levin Student Services Center
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, JH 170
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Julka Hall, Room 170
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.4625
Email: levinstudents@csuohio.edu
Fingerprinting for Criminal Background Checks
Hours: Monday-Friday
8:30am- 4:30pm by APPOINTMENT ONLY
Julka Hall 170
Fingerprinting Procedure
Need payment and ID to be fingerprinted.
- ID can be Driver's license or State of Ohio ID
- Cost is $30.00 each or $60.00 for both FBI & BCI.
STEP 1: Make an Appointment
Please use the link below to choose your appointment time. Appointments are scheduled in 15 minute increments so please arrive on time. https://calendly.com/essccsu
STEP 2: Pay by credit card upon arrival in the LSSC
STEP 3: Results are available in 2-4 weeks.
Fingerprinting is also available at outside locations if you are unable to come to the LSSC during open hours:
Visit https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Business/Services-for-Business/WebCheck/Webcheck-Community-Listing to find an open fingerprint location near you. Results are usually back within 72 hours. **Before traveling to any location please call to verify they are providing fingerprinting services at this time. **. Click here for BCI/FBI codes to use at outside locations.
Who Needs Fingerprints
Field Placement Candidates
Prior to any field placement, students are required to provide a valid BCI & FBI background checks to the Office of Field Services (JH 187). All students should request a copy of the background checks for their own professional records. This can be obtained in person from the LSSC after checks have been completed.
First Ohio Licensure
When an individual submits an application for his/her first license issued by the Ohio State Board of Education, a BCI and FBI background check report, completed within 365 days of the date the application is received, must be on file at the Ohio State Board of Education.
Renewals and Additional Licenses
If you have lived continuously in Ohio for the past 5 years, an FBI background check is required if the report on file with OSBE is more than 5 years old at the date the application is received. A BCI background check is required if you do not have one on file with OSBE.
If you have NOT lived continuously in Ohio for the past 5 years, both the BCI and FBI background checks are required if the reports on file with OSBE are more than 5 years old on the date the application is received.
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, JH 170
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Julka Hall, Room 170
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.4625
Email: levinstudents@csuohio.edu