Levin Student Services Center
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, JH 170
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Julka Hall, Room 170
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.4625
Email: levinstudents@csuohio.edu
Student Resources and University Information
Please see below for tools and information to support your academic journey. These resources will help you connect with advisors, navigate degree and licensure requirements, access university services, and explore opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our goal is to provide the guidance needed to stay on track and succeed in your academic path.
All Levin Students
Education and Counseling Students
- Curriculum Information for Graduate Programs
- Curriculum Information for Undergraduate Programs
- Educator Performance Data
- Licensure Tests and Applications
- Teacher Licensure and Counseling Admission Requirements
Urban Affairs Students
University Resources
- Academic Calendar
Consult the CSU Academic Calendar for important dates including:- Semester beginning and ending dates
- Deadlines to add and/or withdraw
- Final exams dates
- Listing of university holidays
- Deadlines to submit for grades of "incomplete"
- Applying for Graduation
Students apply for graduation in their Campus Net account by following the "Graduation" tab. Your graduation application should be submitted one semester prior to when you expect to complete your degree. You may apply to graduate as soon as you have earned a minimum of 15 credits. Important graduation information, including deadlines to apply, are posted at https://www.csuohio.edu/registrar/graduation-information. For any questions, please contact the Graduate Programs Coordinator and review your Degree Audit within Campus Net. University information regarding the Commencement ceremony, including where to purchase your cap and gown, is available at https://www.csuohio.edu/commencement/.
- Campus 411 All-in-One
Campus 411: assistance with admission, financial aid, student accounts, employer reimbursement
Telephone: (216) 687-5411 | allin1@csuohio.edu | Main Classroom 116
- Campus Map
View a current map of the CSU Campus
- Campus Police
Contact the Campus Police for:- Campus Escorts
- Emergency
- Keys locked in your car
- Non-Emergency telephone: (216) 687-2020
- Emergencies from any campus phone: 9-1-1 or 8-9-1-1
- CampusNet
Enroll in classes, view your unofficial transcript, view your course schedule, view your Degree Audit, pay your tuition, sign your financial aid award letter, and more via CampusNet. For assistance logging in to Campus Net, please call the CSU IS&T Help Desk at (216) 687-5050.
- Enrolling in Classes
New degree-seeking students should meet with the Graduate Programs Coordinator to enroll. Newly admitted students should also plan to meet with their Program Director within their first semester of enrollment. Certificate and non-degree seeking students must meet with the Graduate Programs Coordinator in order to enroll in courses.
- Office of the University Registrar
- Parking
The CSU Parking Office provides Information regarding student parking options
Telephone: (216) 687-2023
Euclid Commons Room 160
- Student Code of Conduct
- Technology and Computer Access
- Blackboard - Access to Blackboard and technical support is available 24/7.
- CSU Email
CSU e-mail accounts are available for all students. Access to e-mail is available through the CSU homepage and may be accessed using your Campus Net ID and password. Each student has a CSU e-mail account. To view your e-mail address, login to Campus Net. Once logged in, go to the "Personal" tab and then click on "E-mail," which is located on the line below the tabs. If you do not plan to use your CSU e-mail, then please forward message to another valid e-mail account. E-mail forwarding is set up through your Campus Net account. Your CSU e-mail and Campus Net login & password are identical.
- Data Storage on CUACS: Secure storage space for students' individual and group files. This storage is backed up on a nightly basis. The student storage space and files will remain available to the student for their entire tenure in the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs; student files and data may be easily accessed and used over a student's entire academic career in the School. Using the School's provided file storage space is highly recommended for students using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software in their coursework. If your instructor has not already requested storage space on your behalf, students can request access to the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Computer System (CUACS) by e-mailing their CSU ID number and CSU e-mail address to urbansystems@csuohio.edu. Questions regarding accounts or group project storage space may be directed to Bob Martel at urbansystems@csuohio.edu.
- Data Storage on e365: In addition to cloud storage provided to students by the University's e365 system, the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs provides secure storage space for students' individual and group files. This storage is backed up on a nightly basis. The student storage space and files will remain available to the student for their entire tenure in the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs; student files and data may be easily accessed and used over a student's entire academic career in the School. Using the School's provided file storage space is highly recommended for students using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software in their coursework. If your instructor has not already requested storage space on your behalf, students can request access to the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Computer System (CUACS) by e-mailing their CSU ID number and CSU e-mail address to urbansystems@csuohio.edu. Questions regarding accounts or group project storage space may be directed to Bob Martel at urbansystems@csuohio.edu. Additional information regarding Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs technology can be found here.
- Data Storage on CUACS: Secure storage space for students' individual and group files. This storage is backed up on a nightly basis. The student storage space and files will remain available to the student for their entire tenure in the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs; student files and data may be easily accessed and used over a student's entire academic career in the School. Using the School's provided file storage space is highly recommended for students using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software in their coursework. If your instructor has not already requested storage space on your behalf, students can request access to the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Computer System (CUACS) by e-mailing their CSU ID number and CSU e-mail address to urbansystems@csuohio.edu. Questions regarding accounts or group project storage space may be directed to Bob Martel at urbansystems@csuohio.edu.
- IS&T Help Desk: (216) 687-5050
- Mobile Campus: iPad or Laptop for up to 5 hours from the Mobile Campus, which is located in the Student Center Room 128.
- Wireless Campus: There are various computers available throughout our wireless campus. Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs students have access to labs in the Urban Affairs building in Rooms 39 & 40.
- Blackboard - Access to Blackboard and technical support is available 24/7.
- Textbooks
CSU Bookstore
Textbooks may be purchased or rented
Telephone: (216) 687-2128
CSU Student Center, 1st floor
- Tuition and Fees
- Tutoring
- Tutoring & Academic Success Center
- The Writing Center
- Note: Please consult your Academic Advisor with questions about additional on-campus resources.
- Viking Student ID Card
The Viking Card is the official identification card for CSU students, faculty, and staff. The first card is provided for free. The Viking Card also serves as your CSU Library Card. In order to receive your Viking Card, you must be enrolled in classes. More information is available at the Viking Card Office homepage.
Main Classroom 112 | Telephone: (216) 875-9888
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, JH 170
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Julka Hall, Room 170
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.4625
Email: levinstudents@csuohio.edu