Internship Success Stories

Meet Jamie Wells
Jamie Wells
Major: Urban Planning   Graduation Date: Spring 2023   Internship Placement: Development Coordinator Intern, OLIO Development Group   Jamie Wells interned with OLIO Development Group. His role involved permitting and due diligence which provided him with an excellent foundation to build a career on. Here's what he had to say about his experience:   How did you learn about the internship opportunity? I found this company through my previous work as a caddy. One of the members at the country club gave this company my resume.   How long did you intern there? About 5 months. I will transition to a full-time role in two weeks.   Tell us a little bit about your position and specifically what you did there. We build Raising Canes franchises within the Midwest. My role is to go through the city codes and see what development restrictions exist and how we have to design our buildings to be up to code.   What was your favorite project? Why? Currently I am working on a project in Warren. Although it has been quite challenging since the beginning and is significantly behind schedule, I take pride in the fact that I have been a part of it from the start. This result of the project will be a build that I can confidently say is a result of my hard work and effort.   Why was the experience valuable? I believe the experience was valuable because during the short time I was here I became a true professional in my field.   What advice do you have for current interns or students who are searching for an internship? Don't give up! It took me two years to find an internship. These positions are extremely important in terms of shaping your adult life! I remember that I was hired because I was willing to do whatever was needed, even if it meant cleaning the floors. During my interview, I said that I would come in and mop the floors every day just to gain some experience. Of course, they didn't actually have me mop floors, but the willingness to do so showed my dedication and eagerness to learn.   What's next for you? I have signed with the company full time, and I start a week after graduation.   Anything else you want to include? This internship was unlike any others that I have heard of. There were many difficulties during this process. I moved to Columbus and switched to online learning to be able to work with OLIO and left my friends and family back in Cleveland. About a month into the internship, my supervisor resigned from the company, and I took over her role as an intern. It was difficult, but I persevered. I took on extra hours and came in to get as much done as I could in the four hours I was at work. Due to this, I believe, is the reason they offered me a job after being an intern for a month and a half.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR 205
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Urban Building, Room 205
1717 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.3884