Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist


Program Overview

The Moderate/Intensive program is intended to prepare teacher candidates to work with children and youths ages 5 through 21 who have moderate, severe, or profound mental retardation; emotional disorders; or multiple disabilities. Students who complete this program are eligible for provisional licensure as a Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist and will demonstrate skills in curriculum design and implementation, interdisciplinary teaming, and working with parents of individuals with exceptional needs.


Admission Requirements

Minimum G.P.A: 2.75

GRE Requirement: Not Required.


 Effective as of October 1, 2015, requirements for admission into a teaching licensure program at the undergraduate and graduate levels will change.  If you wish to be considered for admission into a teaching licensure program under the requirements listed in this catalog, you must declare your intent to pursue teaching licensure and satisfy all current requirements prior to October 1,2015.


All teaching license students are required to maintain a portfolio while completing their professional coursework and field experiences.  Students who begin a teaching licensure program in Fall 2012 or later are required to purchase a subscripton to Taskstream, which they will use to submit all required portfolio components.  At various checkpoints, students must meet specific criteria to be eligible to continue to the next phase of their program.  For complete information on portfolios, students are advised to speak with an advisor and access the Student Portfolio Handbook available at the following here

Degree Completion Requirements


(30 credits) 

  • ESE 500 - Introduction to Special Education
  • ESE 503 - Introduction To Individuals With Moderate & Severe Disabilities
  • ESE 510 - Diagnostic Assessment&Multifactored Eval for Students w Mod/Severe Dis
  • ESE 511 - Classroom Management & Intervention For Severe Behavior Problems
  • ESE 512 - Collaboration & Partnerships Among Parent & Professionals In Special Education
  • ESE 513 - Supporting Medical & Intensive Education Needs
  • ESE 516 - Lofe Sklls & Career Planning in Special Education
  • ESE 519 - Life Skills Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction
  • ESE 520 - Assess/Curr/Instruct to meet Acad/Behav Needs of Students w Mod/Int Disabilities
  • EST 578 _ Internhsip One: Moderate & Intensive Educational Needs
  • EST 588 - Internship Two: Moderate & Intensive Educational Needs

In order to obtain a Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist License as a first teaching credential, additional course work (listed below) must be completed. For second licensure students, equivalencies must be approved for these courses by a licensure advisor; approval requires the course numbers for the substitutions and a copy of the transcript showing the courses.

  • EDL 500 - Phonics Assessment & Instruction
  • EDL 501 - Beginning and Intermediate Reading Instruction & Assessment
  • EDL 505 - Content Area Literacy
  • EDL 512 - Literature-Based Reading Methods For Children
  • ECE 515 - Mathematics Instruction and Assessment In Preschool & The Primary Grades


Select one of three options: comprehensive examination, project, or thesis.


"Licensure Only" students (in all concentrations) must take all courses and meet all requirements listed except for the following: Educational Research, Technology Strand, Social Foundations, and the Culminating Experience.

Undergraduate & Graduate Moderate/Intensive Students

To schedule an advising appointment, please contact:

John Schaefer
(216) 687-7115
JH 319


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 378
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115