Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)



The Programs in TESOL at Cleveland State University offer professional training to students planning to teach English as a foreign language in a variety of settings

  • M.Ed in TESOL in order to teach overseas, at community college ESL programs, or private schools
  • Endorsement in TESOL added to an existing Ohio teaching license and teach in the public school system
  • TESOL certificate that will allow them to teach EFL abroad or teach ESL local programs from immigrants and refugees





Learn about the nature of language and the psychological processes involved in first (L1) and second (L2) language acquisition; Develop awareness of the process of language variation and change in different social environments; Increase knowledge and sensitivity to cultural diversity; Apply past and current theories of second language acquisition in the L2 classroom; Develop skills to implement current teaching methods in L2 education; Improve their ability to prepare L2 materials using available technology


Graduate students:

  • Application for Graduate Admission and $30 application fee;
  • One official copy of transcripts from all institutions where you obtained a bachelor's degree;
  • A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or above is required if degree is 1+, GPA 3.0 if degree is 6+

International Students: Must obtain a TOFEL score of 65 (interest-based) or 525 (written exam), or equivalent in IELTS or ITEP proficiency tests. Students will have the opportunity to take ESL courses in the English Language Institute at CSU to improve their skills. Completion of the advanced level with a grade of 80% or above in CSU's Intensive Language Program. Students with extended teaching experience may petition to waive EDC 500 & EST 573.


  • For more information on admission requirements
    • Visit the Levin Student Services Center (LSSC) Advising Office JH 170, 216.687.4625 or
    • The Assistant Professor and TESOL Program Director: Elena Andrei, Ed.D. e.andrei@csuohio.edu or 216-687-2148.




TESOL Certificate (15 credits):

Acquaints students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to teach English as a second or foreign language. CSU offers both an Undergraduate and Graduate certificate in TESOL. All courses are cross listed and can be taken at either the undergraduate level or the graduate level.

12 credits
EDL 406/506: Second Language Learning Pedagogy – 3 credits
EDL 407/507: Instructional Methods in TESOL – 3
EDL 408/508: Applied Linguistics for Teacher – 3 credits
EDL 409/509: Assessment and Evaluation in the ESL/Bilingual Classroom – 3 credits

EDL 410/510: Pedagogical Grammar – 3 credits

OR EST 573: Practicum in TESOL - 3 credits


TESOL Endorsement (12-15 credits):

Students must complete the following TESOL specialization courses and pass OAE content exam (021), English to Speakers of Other Languages. This option is only availalbe to individuals who already have a valid Ohio state provisional, professional, or permanent teaching certificate or license. 

Each class is offereed once a year, All classes are currently offered online asynchronous.  

Please note that TESOL endorsement courses can be taken at both undergraduate/post-baccalaureate level (400-level courses) OR graduate level (500-level courses).  

500-level courses could be used towards a master's degree, 400-level courses, not.  

12-15 credits
EDL 406/506: Second Language Learning Pedagogy – 3 credits
EDL 406/507: Instructional Methods in TESOL – 3 credits
EDL 408/508: Applied Linguistics for Teachers – 3 credits
EDL 409/509: Assessment and Evaluation in the ESL/Bilingual Classroom – 3 credits
EDL 573/373: Practicum in TESOL – 3 credits (some teachers might qualify to waive this course - ask program coordinator for details).

M. ED. Curriculum and Instruction – Literacy Development – TESOL Specialization (32 credits)

TESOL Specialization Courses

21 credits
EDC 500: Diversity in Educational Setting – 3 credits
EDL 506: Second Language Learning Pedagogy – 3 credits
EDL 507: Instructional Methods in TESOL – 3 credits
EDL 508: Applied Linguistics for Teachers – 3 credits
EDL 509: Assessment and Evaluation in the ESL/Bilingual Classroom – 3 credits
EDL 510: Pedagogical Grammar – 3 credits
EDL 573: Practicum in TESOL – 3 credits


Core Educational Courses Topics

14 credits
Curriculum and Instruction (3 credits required)
EDB 612: Curriculum Theory and Instruction – 3 credits

Educational Research and Technology (5 credits required)

EDB 601: Educational Research – 3 credits

ETE 501: Technology Strand – 2 credits

Human Development (3 credits required)

EDC 501: Child Development – 3 credits

ALD 605: Psychology of the Adult Leaner – 4 credits

EDB 620: Psychology of the Adolescent Leaner – 3 credits

EDB 628: Psychology of Learning and Instruction – 3 credits 

Social Foundations (3 credits required)

EDB 604: Social Issues and Education – 3 credits

EDB 606: Philosophy of Education – 3 credits

EDB 608: School and Society in the American Past – 3 credits

EDB 609: Comparative and International Education – 3 credits

Exit requirement: In conjunction with your TESOL coordinator, students will choose an exit requirement from the following that best fits their professional interests.

  • Comprehensive examination
  • Project
  • Thesis


TESOL Courses Offerings
EDL 406/506EDL 407/507EDL 408/508EDL 409/509EDL 410/510EST 373/573

Fall 2020 (Face-to-Face) Even Years

Fall 2021 (WEB) Odd years

Summers (WEB)

Spring 2021 (WEB) Even Years

Spring 2022 (Face-to Face ) Odd Years

Spring 2021 (Face-to Face) Odd years

Spring 2022 (WEB) Odd Years

Fall 2020 (WEB Even Years

Fall 2021 (Face-to-Face) Odd Years

Available Every Semester


Useful Links

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 378
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115