Dual Resident Education Program (The DREAM Program)



Dual Resident Education Program Overview

Dual Resident Education Program blends theory and practice, integrates academic and clinincal instruction at the onset of the dual licensure program, combines pedagogical and content education, and employs a faculty consisting of both practitioners and professor each accorded equal status. Dual Resident Education Program unifies Early Childhood Education (ECE), Early Childhood Intervention Specialist (ECIS) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) curricula. All courses will meet online. Learn about our online classes. »


The primary goal of Dual Resident Education Program is to promote a transformative model for developing teachers through the collaborative efforts of educaator preparation providers and school-based practitioners. 

By participating in a unified, cohesive curriculum and increased hours of clinical experience, prospective teacher candidates will be better equipped  to deal with the realities of teaching students with diverse needs in high need urban educational environments.

Rotation Overview
Rotation 1 and SeminarSetting the Context (K-5 Placement)

Introduction to the Professiona land Social Foundations

Introduction to Diverse Learner Characteristics

3 credits
Rotation 2 and SeminarInstruction and Assessment (PK/K)

Licensure specific assessments

Introduction to Exceptionalities

3 credits
Internship I and SeminarPractice and Professionalism (K-5 Intervention Placement)

Licensure specific assessments

Identification and Intervention

6 credits
Internship II and SeminarTeachers as LeadersPracticing and profession with significant reflection and collaboration9 credits

Curriculum is Comprised of Rotations, Seminars and Internships

  • Rotations are periods early in the teacher education curriculum in which a prosepective teacher candidate, in the clincal part of his/her education, passes through various "working" services in 16-week blocks. Students experience integrated course content, engage in clinical field experiences, and reflect on their novice and guided practice of teaching.
  • Seminars are comprised of a group of prospective teacher candidats engaged in the clinical practice of teaching under the guidance of a professor who meets regularly wtih them to discuss their clinical experiences and reflect on their practice.
  • During internships, a prospective teacher candidate undergoes supervised practical training and gains supervised practical experience in teaching.
  • Learn more about the DREAM Program: View our program description and admission requirements.

Teacher Candidate Benefits

  • Prepares teacher candidates to be highly effective and qualified to teach in high need schools and districts.
  • Teacher candidates will participate in the strengthened  curriculum with more than 700 hours of clinical experience - similar to the preparation used in the legal and medical professions.
  • Teacher candidates will experience an integration among courses and between course work and clinical work in schools.
  • Teacher candidates will experience extensive and intensively supervised clinical work integrated with course work.
  • Dual Resident Education program participants will experience numerous partnerhsips that will foster close, proactive relationships with schools that serve diverse learners effectively and model good teaching.
  • Teacher candidate supports that incrase student retention (e.g.cohort model; less comlex programs; more clinical experience).
  • Increase the likelihood that students will be hired upon graduation. 


What is DREAM?

DREAM is a master's program degree that results in:

  • Two initial licensures (Primary Pk-5 and  Early Chidhood Intervention Specialist)
  • TESOL endorsement
  • A Master's Degree

How long is the program?

DREAM takes two years and has a total of 66 credits

Two fall semesters, two spring semesters, and two summer sessions

Who are the instructors?

Courses are taught by professionals currently working in local schools as well as  CSU faculty.

Where will courses meet?

All courses will meet online. Learn about our online classes. »

How much will it cost?

Please see the Bursur's website for a list of current tuition rates. »

Is financial support available?

Yes. Apply for TEACH Grants – up to $4,000 per year: (https://www.csuohio.edu/financial-aid/teacher-education-assistance-for-college-and-higher-education-grant-teach). 

Also, check with your school district about additional possible financial support.

Can I work while taking DREAM courses?

Yes. Courses are web-blended, providing flexible scheduling

Candidates currenlty  working in public school settings may request partial credit for feild experience requirement (rotation & internship). This will be decided on a case-by-case basis. 

Who do I contact for questions and application?

Elena Andrei, Ed.D.
DREAM Program Coordinator
(216) 687-2148

For more information, call the Educational Student Services Center (LSSC)216-687-4625.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 378
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115