MUST Admission

Admissions Process

*Due to Ohio Department of Education policies, students are required to get a background check. Additional information may be required upon receipt of a student's background check.


I. Review entrance requirements

GPA requirements:

  1. 3.00 GPA to apply to the Graduate College as degree-seeking.*

*If your GPA is below 3.00, there are alternative paths to admission. Please contact MUST academic advisor Courtney Glover at for more information.

Transcript Evaluation:
Arrange to have your transcript evaluated by MUST academic advisor Courtney Glover ( You must have the majority of the prerequisite coursework completed prior to entering the MUST program. Due to the accelerated nature of the program, it is not recommended that MUST interns take more than 2-3 licensure courses during their MUST experience. 


II. Attend a MUST Information Session

These sessions are usually held once in the Fall semester and once in the Spring Semester. Please contact Courtney Glover at for more information.


III. Complete the Graduate College Application

Apply HERE.

Note: The MUST cohort program only admits for a summer start date and applicants interested in the next cohort should apply for Summer 2024.


IV. Set up a Meeting

Arrange a date and time for you to meet with MUST Program Coordinator, Marketa Fuller-President (, to discuss information about MUST. This is where you can learn more about the program and its nuances. In the meeting, you may be asked why you feel that you are a qualified candidate for the program. From here, we will determine whether you are a fit candidate for MUST.  


V. Complete BCI/FBI Background Check

Due to Ohio Department of Education policies, students are required to get a background check. Additional information may be required upon receipt of a student's background check. Students can schedule their background check with the LSSC HERE

VI. Schedule Classes

Meet with Courtney Glover ( to register for your classes!



Mailing Address
Cleveland State University Levin College of Public Affairs and Education
Julka Hall 210
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115

Program Coordinator
Marketa Fuller-President
Phone: 216-523-7296

Academic Advisor
Courtney Glover
2485 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-523-7576