Spotlight on Graduates


Graduated: 2017

Dissertation Topic: Minority Stress and Career Attitudes of African American Students 

Internship Placement: University of Missouri Counseling Center 

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology: Counseling Psychology, Tennessee State University

Recent Publications and Presentations:

  • Publication:

Williams, T.R. & Raney, S. (In press) Relational cultural supervision enhances the professional development of postdoctoral residents of color in Health Service Psychology. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.

  • Presentations:

Williams, T. R. & Davis, B. (2019). Relational Cultural Supervision: Supporting and empowering minority psychology trainees through experiences of microaggressions. Roundtable presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Denver, CO.

Williams, T. R., Davis, B., & Schultheiss, D. (2019). Minority stress theory: Black graduate students' experiences of microaggressions and career attitudes. Poster presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Denver, CO.

Davis, B. & Williams, T. R. (2019). An intersectional approach to sexual trauma treatment, outreach, and prevention on college campuses. Roundtable presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Denver, CO.

Lemon, C. & Williams, T.R. (2018). "I don't feel like white-girling today:" A discussion of the implications of the "Shifting" phenomenon among Black Women. 60-minute Content Session presented at the 2018 Black Mental Health Symposium (BMHS), Charlotte, NC.     

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 270
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115