Doctoral Studies
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 270
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Time to Completion for All Students Entering the Program

The program can be completed in 5 years of full-time graduate study (9-14 credits) and requires a Masters degree in counseling, clinical psychology, or closely related field as a pre-requisite to admission. Most current students are taking between 5 years and 6 years to completion, including pre-doctoral internship. If a student elects to complete a 2 year half-time pre-doctoral internship, it will take a minimum of 6 years to complete. Transfer students are not admitted into the program. Any applicant with questions about pre-requisites may contact Dr. Tawanda Greer-Medley at or by phone at 216.687.4582. If a prospective student is missing a few of the pre-requisites from the masters degree, but otherwise qualifies for the program, that student may complete the missing pre-requisite courses early in their doctoral program, thus not extending the time required to complete the degree. Some newly admitted students elect to complete the pre-requisites in the summer before starting doctoral studies. Students who are deficient in several pre-requisites are likely to extend their programs if they do not begin to enroll in the pre-requisites at the beginning of doctoral studies.


The program strives to provide graduate assistantships, with or without tuition remission, for all first and second year students who request funding. In the 2024-2025 academic year, all students who requested assistance received some funding. Assistantships are given for one academic year (Fall/Spring) and students must reapply on an annual basis. The Director of Doctoral Studies organizes student applications for assistantships and assists students as they apply for assistantships across campus. A variety of 10-20 hour graduate assistantships are available to students including research, teaching and professional service (e.g., Center for Urban Education, Center for Academic and Student Success, University Counseling Center, Black Studies, First Year Experience, Office of Disability Services). For 2024-2025, the minimum stipend for 10-hour assistantships is $3250 per semester. A 20-hour assistantship has a minimum stipend of $6500 per semester. Typically, GA positions include nine credits of tuition per semester and in some years, additional credits are covered. Students should be prepared to pay costs of tuition over 9 credits each semester with most assistantships. Students with a 20-hour assistantship receive fully paid for student health insurance premiums, if needed. Most students are funded for Fall and Spring semesters and some find summer funding, as well.
Internship Placement - Table 1

Internship Placement - Table 2


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 270
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115