Doctoral Studies

What research topics have been of interest to recent doctoral students? - Counseling Psychology

  What research topics have been of interest to recent doctoral students?

Dissertation titles from the past five years include:

1. Understanding the Lived Experiences of Sexual Assault Survivors: A Narrative Study of Posttraumatic Growth
2. From Service to Studies: Resilience and College Adjustment in Student Service Members/Veterans
3. The Mediating Effect of Color-Blind Racial Ideology on the Relationship between Multicultural Counseling Competence and Empathy
4. A phenomenological exploration of clinicians’ approaches to working with people with psychosis
5. Identification of Gifted Learners in an Urban Elementary School: What Is "The Gifted Spark"?
6. The Helper and Gatekeeper: Graduate Mental Health Educators and Trainees in Psychological Distress
7. A Grounded Theory Investigation of Supervisors’ Perspectives on Multicultural Strength-Based Supervision
8. Urban Teacher-Student Relationship Quality, Teacher Burnout, and Cultural Competence
9. A phenomenological exploration of clinicians’ approaches to working with people with psychosis
10. Relationship Between Religious Support, Perceived Barriers and Work Volition Among the Orthodox Jewish Population
11. Career Decision-Making Difficulties among Student Veterans
12. Work lives of homeless men
13. Identity and Career Experiences of Muslim Immigrant Women: The United States Context
14. LGBQ Workplace Discrimination, Microaggressions, and Relational Supports: A Work-Life Approach
15. International Students Career Development: Acculturative Stress and Career Outcomes
16. Minority Stress and Career Attitudes of African American Students
17. Employment Barriers and Attitude to Employment for Male Ex-Offenders
18. Childhood Perceptions of Parental Unemployment
19. Exploring the relationship between ego development and mental health
20. Bosnian refugees' understanding of their health and well-being in a U.S. context
21. The Relationship Between Depression and Dyad Relationship Strain in Caregiving Dyads of Veterans with Dementia