EDTPA Support

Spring 2025 Submission Date: April 1, 2025 

Scores will be emailed on April 24th, with April 1st submission. 

**APK Exams: ODE has determined that successful completion of the edTPA to be an allowable alternative to the Assessment of Professional Knowledge (OAE-APK).  Students must pass edTPA with a score of 37 for it to replace the APK.  Students cannot use the APK to replace the edTPA. ** Visit ODE's website for more information.


edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom. The assessment features a common architecture focused on three tasks: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment.

Aspiring teachers must prepare a portfolio of materials during their student teaching clinical experience. edTPA requires aspiring teachers to demonstrate readiness to teach through lesson plans designed to support their students' strengths and needs; engage real students in ambitious learning; analyze whether their students are learning, and adjust their instruction to become more effective. Teacher candidates submit unedited video recordings of themselves at work in a real classroom as part of a portfolio that is scored by highly trained educators. edTPA builds on decades of teacher performance assessment development and research regarding teaching skills and practices that improve student learning.

General edTPA Support

Sharyn Turner, edTPA Coordinator: s.e.turner42@csuohio.edu

edTPA Candidate Support (Technical):


edTPA Pacing Guide PDF icon edTPA Pacing Guide
edTPA voucher code – you have already paid for your edTPA voucher code in your lab fees. 

Voucher Codes will be sent to all students the week prior to the edTPA deadline.

Please email Aimee Furio for details.  

edTPA Website After you receive your voucher code, Click to Register
For Cameras Loans & Trim/Compress help: email Sharyn Turner
edTPA Submission Manual email Sharyn Turner
Trim/Compress Instructions

Click HERE

Accessing the Handbook & Resources

Students email Sharyn Turner

Evaluators Click HERE

Video Consent Forms CLICK HERE
edTPA Self-Enrollment Codes Taskstream PDF icon edTPA Enrollment Codes


Fall 2024
Compress & Trim Support By appt. By appt. Contact Sharyn Turner
In-Person Upload Support Nov 4 & 5 12pm-7pm  OFS JH 187


Please send us your questions ofsassistant@csuohio.edu

  • How do I know if I have enough information to submit to edTPA?  Answer: Please contact your supervisor and your seminar leader to discuss this question since they will know more about how much you actually have completed and can offer additional feedback specific to your situation. 



Apple: Trim/Compress Instructions PDF icon Trim and Compress Video Instructions.pdf

PC: Trim/Compress Instructions https://www.technipages.com/windows-10-how-to-trim-video

PDF iconVideo Taping Consent Form: The consent form should be distributed to each parent by the student intern.  This form allows the student to video tape in the classroom for academic use only.  Each student appearing in the videos needs to have a signed consent form on file.

Practicum Video Tips: Help with uploading and trimming video for practicum assignment

Student Teaching edTPA Video Tips: Help with uploading and trimming videos for edTPA

OSU Video Editing Tutorials: Links that our friends at The Ohio State University put together to better demonstrate how to trim your videos. 

For camera rentals, please visit the Office of Field Services in Julka Hall (Room 187). 

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University Levin College of Public Affairs and Education
Julka Hall 187
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115

Contact Us
2485 Euclid Avenue
Julka Hall 187
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-4616
Fax: 216-687-4636

Office Hours
8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday