The Cleveland Teaching Fellowship is excited for their 9th cohort of Fellows in 2024-2025. This national award winning program has supported over 300 Fellows during their final year field experiences. Pending annual funding, CTF applications will be available in Spring for the following academic year.
about the program
The Cleveland Teaching Fellowship (CTF) is a partnership between the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD), Cleveland State University, and the Cleveland Foundation. This grant program engages highly qualified teacher candidates in PAID practicum and student teaching expereinces in select CMSD buildings. With a national teacher shortage, CTF is creating a diverse pipeline of strong teacher candidates committed to urban education. *Funding is pending annual approval.
CTF supports Fellows during their final year experiences. This program does not replace Internship I/II, Apprentice Teaching I/II, practicum/student taching, but rather provides additional supports (i.e., professional development, engagement in schools, financial stipends,e tc.) through their urban placements. Eligible Applicants must be in a licensure program in the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education and meet all academic and non-academic requirements for their final year experiences (i.e. practicum/student teaching, internship and/or apprentice teaching) in Fall or Spring. Applicants must also be US citizens or permanent residents, and have a commitment to urban education.
CTF Application process
Part 1: Complete a Fellowship Application (available in Spring 25) and submit follow up documentation (resume + written answer)
Part 2: Submit Letter of Recommendation or Survey (available in Spring 25)
Part 3: Applicants will be invited to a interview
2023-2024 FELLOWSHIP (8th cohort)
CTF Orientation: August 9, 2023
Courtney Nudell, Recruitment & Retention
Office of Field Services, JH 187