Educator Performance Data

National Accreditation

Cleveland State University's Educator Preparation Program is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Following CAEP guidelines, the college publishes the following data which address the 8 CAEP Annual Reporting Measures.

CAEP Program List and Approval Status

Impact Measures (CAEP Standard 4)

1. Completer Effectiveness (Initial) (R4.1)

Data address (a) completer impact in contributing to P-12 student learning growth AND (b) completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

Value-Added: Value-added analysis helps educators measure the impact schools and teachers have on students' academic progress rates from year to year. In the annual Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Performance Reports, the Ohio Department of Higher Education calculates value-added classifications and classifies teachers on a five-category scale according to the amount of growth made by their students.  Cleveland State reports the percentage of completers who score average or better on value-added measures. 

OTES:  The evaluation of teachers is required in Ohio Revised Code 3319.111 and 3319.112.  Ohio uses the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), which is based on an evaluation framework aligned with the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. OTES requires observations of teachers, provides professional development, provides allocation of resources and assigns a rating of teacher effectiveness.

Employment in Schools Serving Minority Students and Students in Poverty: Because Cleveland State has a mission to prepare effective teachers for urban settings, all candidates complete a minimum of one major experience in an urban setting.  Cleveland State tracks the percentage of completers who accept employment in high-minority and high-poverty schools.  We are proud that our completers; value-added scores and performance ratings show they are serving as effective teachers in high-minority and high-poverty settings.

Title II Exam Pass Rate:  Ohio requires teachers to pass an Assessment of Professional Knowledge (APK), content tests in each content area to be taught.  Early childhood, middle childhood and intervention specialists must also pass a Foundations of Reading examination.  Cleveland State reports the overall pass rate as calculated by Title II for the most recent academic year completers.

Data:  The following document summarizes data on CAEP Standard R4.1.

2. Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (initial and advanced) (R4.2|R5.3|RA4.1)

Data provided should be collected on employers' satisfaction with program completers.

Employer Survey:  As part of its EPP Performance Reports, the Ohio Department of Higher Education developed a survey to collect information from employers on the quality of preparation provided by the program.  Unfortunately, low response rates have led to a discontinuation of the statewide administration of the survey.  In future years, Cleveland State anticipates continuing use of the survey as well as other targeted data on employer satisfaction.

To gauge persistence, the Ohio Department of Higher Education tracks the numbers of completers entering and completing each of the first four years of the Ohio Resident Educator program.

Data:  The following chart summarizes data on CAEP measure 2.

Preservice Teacher Survey, Resident Educator Survey, and Principal Intern Survey:  Cleveland State University tracks the results of three Ohio Department of Higher Education surveys.  The pre-service teacher survey gauges the satisfaction of candidates during the final semester of their programs.  The Resident Educator survey is a similar instrument which is administered during the first years of teaching.  The Principal Intern Survey is administered to candidates for principal licensure in the last semester of their internships.

3. Candidate competency at completion (Initial and Advanced) (R3.3)

Data provided for measures the EPP is using to determine if candidates are meeting program expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure.

Continuous Enrollment (initial): Beginning with our first education course, we track each cohort to determine the percentage of people who complete or discontinue their programs.  This data is used to analyze the reasons why candidates do not complete the program and identify strategies to increase retention in the program.

Title II:  This data chart reports the official Title II pass rate, by exam, for Cleveland State initial, advanced, and other completers over time.     

Licensing Data:  This data chart shows, by academic year cohort, the percentage of each cohort satisfying licensing requirements over the four year period following program completion.

4. Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions

Ohio Department of Education Employment Data:  The Ohio Department of Education provides a list of EPP completers from the past four years hired in all Ohio public K-12 districts. This data is matched against lists of program completers to gauge the percentage of each completer cohort employed in Ohio public K-12 school districts in the four years following program completion.

For more detailed information or program-specific data including candidate test scores, satisfaction with the quality of their preparation, and information about the performance of program completers, access the 2022 Ohio Educator Preparation Performance Report using the link below:

2022 Ohio Educator Preparation Performance Report 
Also see: Counseling Psychology Candidate Performance

If you have any questions about these data or other information about the performance of Cleveland State candidates, contact Dr. Brian Yusko at 216-875-9774 or email

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
School of Education and Counseling, JH 378
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115